networks_knowledge-management     KM4Dev Transitional Year

Skat, together with Helvetas and the Core Group of the KM4Dev Community of Practice. facilitated the management of the transition year by providing expert support on network management.



Project Period:


Services Provided:

Knowledge Sharing, Training, Networking and Capacity Development

  • Project Planning, management and implementation

Name of Staff involved and functions performed:

Project Manager: Bertha Camacho

Name of Partner Organisation(s):


Description of the Project:

During 1999-2000, a variety of development or­ganisations gathered at several informal meetings to discuss the potential relevance of Knowledge Management (KM) to their work in the develop­ment sector. In late 2000, the combination of the interest catalysed at the meetings and the number of development-oriented organisations and individu­als engaged in dialog around KM stimulated the creation of the Knowledge Management for Devel­opment (KM4Dev) forum -an email discussion list for community dialogs -and its accompanying web-site. Since then, KM4Dev has grown from a handful of partners to well over 500 registered members today. During 2008-2009, KM4Dev underwent a transitional period as a result of the need to find a new host for its web-based resources and to re-ad­just its centre of gravity between North and South. It is in this framework that, with financial support of SDC and IDRC, Helvetas and Skat coordinated the activities during this transition period by working together with KM4Dev’s core group in addressing immediate needs around facilitation of the com­munity, the continuous operation of the KM4Dev internet tools, and the organisation of a workshop which was carried out in Lisbon, Portugal, in June 2008. This workshop gave participants and the com­munity the opportunity for strategic dialogue around current and future activities of the community.